The Gift of Challenge

Today I’ve been thinking about all of the kids, teens, young adults, teachers and administrative staff who are getting back into school. I truly hope that you and your children are making the back to school adjustment with peace of mind, a healthy sense of humor, positive experiences and great success, whether you have opted for traditional, virtual, homeschool or a combination of those methods. 

My philosophy, cultivated by my many decades of working in theatre and music, is that  everything is subject to change, and those who can adapt and flow with evolving circumstances are inevitably more effective, productive,content,centered and at peace. Our challenges are really a nudge from above to look at things in a new way, to see the lessons offered and then to grow. I believe that one day, when the Coronavirus no longer threatens us, we will emerge from this time stronger, closer and more capable with brand new skills and perspectives. Our children are using technology in a way that prepares them for future education and work opportunities, pulling us along with them so that we too may learn and expand our own abilities. In challenging times like these we see such innovation in technology, health, business, education,commerce, social and religious institutions, entertainment and government. These new methods of doing things, new products, and perspectives will be important to our society in the future. Without our current struggles we might never have discovered them.

Having spent most of the past five months in physical isolation, I have at times been fearful and have greatly grieved the loss of normal work and social activities, travel and entertainment. I am so grateful that my virtual work with Children’s Theatre has continued to shine that vibrant light, inviting me forward,demanding that I continue to learn, to develop and to lead, and that I learn new skills, so that I may continue to feel the great satisfaction of working with creative children and adults. Today I feel hopeful as we begin to emerge from these difficult months, coming closer to the end of a year that has largely been about the refinement of what is most important in our lives, be that family relationships, faith, work, or hobbies in a time of great struggle and sacrifice.  

Because there remains such uncertainty as we slowly and carefully move forward, we are invited to consider our faith- not just as it pertains to our religious beliefs, but faith in one another. Do we care about each other?  Do we care about strangers whom we will never know?  Can we live in a way that demonstrates the faith we each have in God -Source, a higher power, or even the highest form of ourselves? When we leave this physical world we will take with us only our character, formed by our experiences and what we learned from them. We will leave behind every word we ever said about- or to -our families, friends and even strangers. We will leave every bit of money we ever earned or gave to others. We will leave everything except love, which we take with us into the non-physical. I will allow you to apply what your faith teaches you about what comes next. 

At Children’s Theatre of Southern Indiana we operate from this absolute truth: Though we all have fears, we know that love is the way through those fears. Love is open, creative, respectful, generous, tolerant,hopeful and expectant.There is always a path forward and there is nothing to fear from our challenges, for they are an invitation to learn something new that will help us fulfill some element of our destiny. We can most certainly learn something new and valuable from one another as we express our views, listen to the views and ideas of others and collaborate on solutions. As we work through these next months affected by new cases of Covid19 , Seasonal Flu and changes in politics, health ,business and education, we at CTSI will remain focused on offering our students continuing opportunities to learn more about themselves and one another; about what motivates them and what challenges them. One day it is they who will be empathetic leaders showing others the way forward through uncertain times.

May we each remain open, tolerant, empathetic, humble, generous, loving and hopeful in these difficult times and may we always be called by the better angels of our nature to act accordingly.

Jennifer Dalto

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